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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Running a hospital

Here is a link to a new blog on running a hospital.

This is special. It’s written by the CEO of BIDMC, a Harvard Teaching Hospital in Boston reputed to be one of the finest medical centers in Boston.

As the story goes, a fellow falls ill on a flight into Boston and asks the cab driver to take him to the best hospital. The cab driver winds through the tunnel, Storrow Drive, Kenmore Square, Brookline Avenue, and arrives at BIDMC. The fellow, now gasping, asks “Why have you brought me here? I thought that __ is the best hospital in the world.”

The cab driver says: “You are correct. __ is the best hospital in the world but this one, BIDMC is the best hospital in Boston.”

So, here’s the link.


The blogger here is Paul Levy, CEO of BIDMC.

He is smart and self-effacing. He should not be self-effacing except about his golf game, but as a CEO, he is nothing short of terrific.

I think you will enjoy the stories he will tell over the years and the sense of caring and compassion evident in his approach to running an amorphous institution.

Feel free to comment on his posts and also to give him some golf tips.


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