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Saturday, January 29, 2005

Luck Is Out Of Iraq

Breakfast with Bwana

JANUARY 29, 2005


At the beginning of this month, we took note of the commission given to General Gary E. Luck ("Luck-E Gary") by our Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, to go to Iraq and assess what was needed vis-à-vis the training of Iraqi troops and security forces.

As I pointed out then, Luck-E's report was to be "CONFIDENTIAL" for Rummy's ears only. Of course, they've leaked his preliminary findings. So, what else is new?

Before we get there, it bears noting that the spinmeisters at the Pentagon haven't stopped having conversations with themselves. They claim that Luck-E "knows the operation in Iraq well, having been a senior advisor to Gen. [deaf, dumb and blind] Tommy R. Franks" the video pin-ball wizard, at his wartime HQ in Qatar during the Iraq campaign in 2003.

Whoa, Nellie! Back in 2003, when Pin-Ball Whiz Tommy was conducting his video game war by remote control, there were no US troops (other than isolated Special Ops forces) in Iraq. And Luck-E was NEVER actually in Iraq. Now, he went there to assess what was needed to train IRAQIS. How could he possibly have had any expertise in that subject sitting in Qatar while an aerial bombardment campaign was being conducted?

The Pentagon goes on talking to itself and suggesting that Luck-E has a "degree of independence as a retired general" to recommend adjustments in policy. Sure, an inattentive, casual observer might think that a retired general has no axe to grind and would call the shots as he saw them. However, if the Pentagon is trying to talk itself into believing that this is truly a no conflicts, independent, hard-headed assessment, why would they have picked a guy who is currently a senior advisor to the military's Joint Forces Command?"

Now, if you are attentive and focused, you might think that Luck-E doesn't want to get UN-Luck-E and have his "senior advisor" consulting contract canceled. But, if you think that way, you are just plain cynical and probably giving comfort to the enemy - the enemy of waste and nonsense, that is.

Of course, back in early January, I had the temerity to suggest that the whole exercise was a waste of time and unnecessary. But, I guess if I were to say that Luck-E got a lucrative additional contract, probably with a "combat conditions" booster, then I'd be called cynical and an aider and comforter of the enemies of waste and nonsense too.

So, what did Luck-E "tentatively" report?

1. American troops must speed up training of Iraqi security forces.

How? By assigning more American trainers to work directly with the Iraqis being trained.

2. Shift the US military's mission after the January 30 elections, from fighting the insurgents, to training the Iraq's military and security forces to take over those security and combat duties.

How? By a step-by-step approach that would take months, if not years, proceeding at different paces in different parts of the country, depending on performance of the Iraqi troops.

Oh, and Americans would work closely with Iraqis in the most dangerous parts of the country, but would still take the lead combat role there.

No kidding. You don't say.

I think I've figured out why things are not going well for our troops in Iraq. Look at the leadership and how they spend their time.

If you were making decisions up front to implement a program of training Iraqi troops and security forces, wouldn't you know that you needed an adequate number of trainers? And would you wait for almost a year and a half before trying to assess why the program was not working?

But, I do feel safer, knowing that Pin-Ball Whiz and Luck-E are retired generals so we don't have to depend on them. I wonder though, who replaced them. Come to think of it, the guys in charge now continue to look to Luck-E for advice. Suddenly, I don't feel safer. Luck is really out of Iraq.


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